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Adding columns
Hello. Very usefull program. There are the columns "event type: , "description", "tags". Can i add, after the date column, another column named "PROGGECT" ( in Greek "ΕΡΓΟ"? And put the contents on the filter section, just as the incoms, expenses and tags are.
Thank you.
why not to use tags?
Hello! Thanks for your feedback.
Concerning new column "Project".

Why not to use Tags for this purpose?
Do you know that you can assign several tags to any event?
Tags field is intended to be a single multi-classifier field instead of using different classifiers.
So you can define tags for different purposes (different classifiers), and you can define projects as tags.
Look at the example:
Such project tags can be easily used in filter.
Best regards,
Vadim, Soft and the City.
Thank you for your immediate
Thank you for your immediate response. For my case i need the following columns: project, name ( i use the tag column), event, description. So if i want to know for a project and a name what happened, i use the filters. so tell me if you can do this for me. If it is not possible to add a column, i will try to arrange the inputs in the way you suggest me. Thank you again.
project column
Adding another classifier (like project) is not in my nearest plans, sorry.
So I would suggest to use a workaround for now.
Best regards,
Vadim, Soft and the City.
Thank very much.
Thank very much.