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Request for the addition for a row at the bottom for TOTAL

Hi Team,

I am very happy to arrive to this software..

i find it very useful for my personal use.

I would lik to suggest that a row entitles as TOTAL to be added at the bottom of the list of events

so that it allows us to calculte there itself.. instead use calculator.

Thank You see you soon for your reply..

Soft and the City's picture

Sorry for delay.
I've got your idea. Yes, it must be useful when you use the main filter.
I'll plan to implment it before the New Year.
Thanks for your feedback.

Soft And The City.

thanks for your reply..

awaiting the software update..

Soft and the City's picture

The feature is released with version 1.4.7.
Find the new quick statistics near the event filter.

Thank you very much.. Vadim.
Its really helpful.. and thanks for the response and update again.

* SORTING by alphabets and UNIVERSAL SEARCH OPTION for any event any field will help even more.

Hello Team, Kindly go through the below points which may seek attention of the user towards approach..

1 Sorting on every columns by alphabets and numbers..
2 Search Option
3 Currency Option and Converter
4 After any correction or updation or edition, a refresh button to refresh the current page.
5 Undo Option
6 Date format options dd/mm/yyyy

Soft and the City's picture

Thanks for suggestions.
Some comments are below.

2. There is a filter feature, it's already can be used as a search option. (Although there is no possibility to search through event Description).

4. Actually Events tab and Charts tab are refreshed automatically on any change.

6. Date format is taken from local Windows settings. If you change date format in your Windows then it will change the date format in the application as well.

Thanks again for suggestions.
I'll plan to implement them but I'm not sure about time frame so far.

Soft and the City.

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