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How to import transactions data from custom Excel or CSV file?

  1. Open CATC file you want to import spreadsheet to or create a New one (and you can delete the only balance adjustment event if you don’t need it).
  2. Then use the menu items Import from Excel or Import from CSV file:
  3. ImportCSV-Menu.png
    Also you can drag and drop you XLSX or CSV file to the toolbar:

  4. Wait until the dialog Import Spreadsheet/CSV Settings is displayed:
  5. ImportCSV-Settings.png

  6. Review the grid below to ensure that the cells from the file are correctly read.
  7. - For CSV: you can change delimiter symbol in the top left drop down box:
    - For Excel file: you can change Worksheet in the top left drop down box:

  8. Adjust First row and Last row. Only valuable rows should be in this range. Headers or empty row should be outside the range:
  9. ImportCSV-FirstLastRow.png

  10. Make Column mapping (map columns from your file to values needed for Cash and the City). You should map at least Date and Amount columns:
  11. ImportCSV-ColumnsMapping.png

  12. If your XLSX or CSV file was created with different to current Windows culture settings then you may need to specify Date format and Number format:
  13. ImportCSV-DateNumberFormat.png

  14. Click Import. You’ll see message box with statistics:
  15. ImportCSV-MsgBox.png

  16. Now your spreadsheet/CSV data is inside Cash and the City.

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