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Sub-totalling columns in reports, etc.
I would like to commence this query by saying how much I love Cash and the City and how impressed I am with the advice and assistance you offer through this forum.
What I would like to know today is "Is there a way to sub-total columns in Reports and suchlike?" For example, if I use the Filter to produce a list of expenditure in some particular area (say "Fuel Purchases for one Financial Year"), is there some way to include a Sub-total for those purchases at the bottom of the "Amount Column". When I produce reports such as this for Income or Expenditure in some particular area or item, your software filters out the the individual items and lists them with their individual cash amounts, but the Balance Column (to the right) shows the overall balance of all expenditure and income for the day of the report item's entry in the Ledger. In other words, the Balance bears no real relationship (i.e. no cumulative total) for the item being singled out in the report.
I hope you are able to decipher what it is I am asking. I apologize if my terminology is inadequate, but I am a complete novice in the economics and basic accountancy.
Many Thanks for your patience thus far.
Bryson Wade.
Subtotal amount

Actually there are subtotals under the Filter area.
Total Income - subtotal for filtered income events.
Total Expenditure - subtotal for filtered expense events.
Margin - a difference between Total Income and Total Expenditure.