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Freeze when adding / changing Recurrent Event

thank you for very nice application I like it.
But when I am adding / changing Recurrent Event,
then it is freezing for about minute based on
Recurrent type.

Start Day: 06.10.2012
Until date: 06.10.2015
Period: Day
Amount: 150
Type: Expense

and then program freeze - it is very long calculating,
then come back to normal run.

I am trying and using also MyCashflow from
and it is more quick in this calculations, because it is using XML file to store data.
But it have no "Save As/Open File" menu commands as your application has alright.

I am looking for some program with Cashflow Forecast with recurring events.
Also it will be go you program has some Cash Accounts like: Dad Cash Amount, Mum Cash,
Savings Cash, etc.

Best Regards,

Soft and the City's picture

Thanks for the bug report.
We'll try to fix it this week.

Soft and the City's picture

The performance issue fixed in version 1.2.2.
Check it.
Thanks again! Soft And The City.

I just downloaded, tested and it is very Quick now !

Soft and the City's picture

Multi-account feature is in our plans, but it will be in commercial Pro version.

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